Teresa Tindall, MS, LCMHC
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Teresa Tindall earned her MS in Agency Counseling from NC A & T State University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in North Carolina and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
Mrs. Tindall specializes in play therapy and substance abuse counseling. Having worked with the Hospice Kid’s Path Program and as a case manager in behavioral health at a regional hospital, she came to ACC in 2005 with extensive experience in both areas.
Teresa sees clients from ages 5 to 80. In her work with children, she uses art and play therapy to help them deal with grief and loss issues, trauma, anxiety and fear, or school problems. Tindall also treats clients who are struggling with issues such as chemical dependency, emotional eating, depression, anger, or self-harm.
“My own life experience helps me relate to clients who are hurting, suffering, and struggling,” Teresa shared. “I realized God’s purpose for my own life was not one of constant guilt, unworthiness, and depression. I want to help others understand the value of their precious life. I believe God is the one who heals and restores. I am just a vessel through whom God can do His work.”